yes people. this is a rage post. who cares. yes. i am mad. super mad indeed!!
bengangnyer kalo dipikir2kan balek. i feel like i live around stupid people nowadays. stupid people revolves around me. regardless la how old they are. BODOH. tau tak BODOH!!
well, maybe tgh pms skarang thats y la jd cam nieh. *there goes my full 30 days puasa* 
anyhow, this post is dedicated especially to this stupid private company who is in charge of my building which where im currently studying and staying at. i dunno la wut u guys wanna say about this, but this is MY blog and i can voice out my personal opinion.
nak tau kenapa AKU bengang sgt? (yeah, im using “AKU” cuz im super furiously mad right now, and f.y.i, i rarely use aku) ouh well, here goes nothing. 
1. Makan
dulu, dikala sem 1 and sem 2, we as in me n my college mates will have trouble with finding decent food to eat. mane tak nyer, makanan da la mahal then yg paling menyedihkan, they even serve lauk basi to us. for those yg ade transportation sendiri, so i guess its not really a big deal la kalo nak carik makan kat tempat laen, yg tak de? sian gak la. all this happen cuz we were the first batch, so byk la kemudahan x disediakan lagi. so, agak bengang dgn cafeteria yg agak mencekik darah, we brought up that thing to our admin. then after months of struggling, we finally dpt couple (pakcik & makcik) yg jual nasi campur during lunch hour and nasi goreng2 during dinner time. they are very friendly and love to make jokes wif us. after couple of weeks beli makanan ngan dorang, kami jd rapat and we love them so much. mane tak nyer, apart from the VERY reasonable price to a VERY unique and delicious foods. maka bertambah2 la kami sayang dorang. well, as time goes by, ade la super jr. and super duper jr. yg masuk our college, yg x reti dan x paham penderitaan dan penyeksaan yg kami alami sebelum nieh. so, i heard, (nieh confession dr mulut pakcik & makcik tuh sendiri ye!) some of them took advantage over that very kind-hearted pakcik. they took the food but promised wif pakcik that they will pay it later that evening, tp semua tuh hanya bohong belaka. bukan sekali dua dorang buat cam tuh tp byk kali, even sampai pakcik tuh da x tahan dgn kerugian yg dialaminya, he even asked his wife to take over bab bayar2 nieh. pakcik x ley buat sume bende nieh sebab die terlampau baek hati while his wife agak tegas la. then, nak dikaitkan dgn stupid private company that i mention earlier, of course la, whole college and hostel area tuh milik dorang. so kalo nak berniaga, mesti la kene mintak permission, which is cam standard protocol lah kan? tp kalo nak ikut protocol bangang ko (referring to stupid private company) tuh sgt, pls be reasonable lah weyh. da la suro bayar rm300 monthly for wut? tapak kosong? cuz pakcik tuh bawak van and bile die nak berniaga, die bawak barang2 berniaga die sendiri as in the meja untuk letak hidang makanan, and payung yg digunakan untuk berteduh dr sinaran matahari atau hujan and few other things. okay fine. then yg ko charge dorang rm300 monthly during our semester break buat ape. BODOH. mane dorang nak cekau duit nak bayar sewa tapak bulanan tuh. BODOH! okay. x abes dgn tuh. dah tau ade org berniaga kat area ko, yg ko bg org laen berniaga kat tempat same buat ape? curik periuk nasi dorang kowt. takkan nak buat secluded area tuh jd satu tempat yg competitive? serious weyh. apa pasal bengap bodoh sgt ko nieh? alah. jawapan die x susah. nak tau sebab ape? ko tau duit duit duit je kan? mane ko tau naseb org susah atau senang? yg penting duit. FCUK!
2. Hostel
kalo nak tau, the current building that im staying at now is made of cheap and non-quality materials. mane tak nyer, baru tinggal 6 bulan. bangunan retak disana-sini. plug tercabut2. bahaye kowt kalo x extra careful sebab exposed dgn litar electric cam tuh je. kipas yg ade sume rosak, okay x sume like only 5% dr sume kipas yg dah di-install untuk kegunaan pelajar sahaje yg berfungsi. the remaining 95% rosak, malah walaupown telah mengadu tentang kerosakan yg dialami, still tiada tindakan selanjutnyer. yer la. kipas made in china, plus brand ntah ape2. mane tak nyer kan? ouh and plus, tilam yg disediakan, rasenyer lah kan span mencuci pinggan lg tebal. hurm. x de rase2. mmg confirm span mencuci pinggan aku kat umah lg tebal dr tilam yg disediakan untuk tidur. ape la naseb kan? dpt organisasi yg hanya mementingkan duit dr hal ehwal penggunanya. nieh dunia oi. takkan dibawa sampai mati de. okay, nieh experience sendiri. my fan dlm my room rosak. so pergi la mengadu kat pihak atasan. then they asked sesape yg ade kerosakan, mintak isi the bloody form. so isi la. then after 1 freaking semester, still x de ape2 perubahan. kipas tetap rosak. ade la dorang dtg jenguk SEKALI tp sekadar jenguk je ke? cuz ade la hari tuh, dorang dtg tgk bilik, so i grab the opportunity to asked my warden, yet another stupid people around me.
i asked, “pn F*****, pn nak baiki kipas nieh ke?” she replied “tak de la, nak tgk je dulu kerosakan die” sambil tuh die belek2 ntah ape jenis kertas/surat. ko ingat kipas tuh ley dibaiki bile bawak form bodoh tuh kemana2 ke? asal? x caye kat kami ke? gile ke ape? x kan sengaje nak mengadu kipas rosak padahal kipas x rosak? ingat kami nak sgt ke attention ke dr ko tuh? x de maknenyer. buang mase lg ade la. hish!
still, they blamed me for not doing the follow-up thingy. kire nyer aku nieh tau report je tp x buat follow-up. hurm. yer la. may fault la. haish. malas nak ungkit da. i just want to get it over wif once and for all. so yeah. partly myself to be blamed at.
then naek next semester, i found out bilik depan x de penghuni, disebabkan my room sgt bahang panas yg tiada tandingannya (yes, saye tau api neraka lg panas. so jgn nak bising2) i paid rm900 per semester. so i have the right la. so i decided to move my mattress and pillow only into the room yg kosong tuh. i have easy access because pihak yg berkenaan tidak mengambil langkah2 prevention yg membolehkan pelajar2 seperti aku nieh untuk menceroboh bilik yg tidak ada penyewa or pelajar seperti MENGUNCI BILIK tersebut. (like i said earlier, dorang gune cheap materials and stuff, nieh pown contribute untuk aku buat keje jahat cuz tombol pintu tuh da rosak. even certain pintu x de tombol) haha! tuh la. pentingkan duit lg. gune la barang murah n x berkualiti lg. sbb ko mmg suke kan? then senang2 ckp kiteorg vandalize barang korang. serious shit weyh! BODOH! hurm. technically the word “menceroboh” is used bila bilik tuh dikunci then someone else buka without permission. kan? kan? kan? help me out la here. haha! okay. okay. i admit. that was WRONG. totally wrong. but wut they did even worst. ape kes weyh? x de notis, x de official letter, terus dpt “love letter”. surat yg mengatakan aku nieh budak plg sial sekali la kat kolej tuh. sebab surat tuh sort of mcm hearing letter la. kire court case la. tp college nyer je. x de la sampai court yg btol2. rase2 nyer lah kan, correct me if im wrong here alright, in order for u to send sort of “court letter”, mesti ade notis dulu kan? reminder perhaps? nieh tak. tup! tup! dpt mcm tuh je. ive been forced to go to the hearing, if i failed to do that, i will be expelled. WUT THE FISH!! haih. susahnyer hidup. and plus berbalek kepada kipas, i told my mom during the semester break that i badly need to repair my fan in my room. well, at first she said no cuz ala because of the stupid protocol tuh la, org luar x ley repair, kene org sendiri yg ley repair. pergh. berzaman la kalo nak tunggu kan? but then die ckp yes pulak. so i thought of doing it during cuti, sebab nak avoid all these nonsense la. siap da sampai melake tuh then suddenly she changed her mind. asked me to wait for another few days sebab by that time, class da start. haha! mmg salah la buat time tuh. terkantoi la pulak. mcm2 hal. so seperti biase, buat muke tebal pergi la mengadap pihak atasan. haha! funny. u know wut, i didnt even bother to reimburse from ko la. aku x ingin pown duet ko tuh. x kempunan pown. (if thats the whole reason for u not letting us to fix our bloody fan ourselves. but no, according to my pihak atasan, if suro org luar repair, it might lead to another problem. haiyo. ape2 la. all i know that my fan is working perfectly fine right now and that thx to my mom yg baek hati bagi duit untuk repair. haha!)
actually pasal nieh, da berbuih da mulut mamaku nasihat kat aku. yes. my mother taught me really well. die slalu pesan jgn terlampau extrovert sgt. lantak pi la ape org laen nak buat atau ckp. kite buat bodo je. tp itulah, its just that. anak perempuan die sekor nieh, jenis x reti bahase and tak nak dengar kate. nak lawan jer tau. haha! adoi. “darah muda la katekan”, bak kate Pn. Morita, my lecturer atau dgn kate laen, she acts like our mother here in college sebab die constantly worried about us 24/7. haha. thx madam. we owe u our life! muah~ <3
3. Laundry?
okay. nieh ape la baghal, bengap bodoh, bangang sgt ko nieh? suke suki je suro aunty cleaner tuh buat laundry ko. ko tau x aunty tuh di-hire untuk buat keje die la as in deal wif cleaning things. speaking about cleaning, ur bloody laundry is not included okay. da la byk gile baju yg ko suro cuci tuh. 2 washing machines yg sarat dengan baju. out of curiosity, i asked her “ aunty, aunty cuci baju kat sini ke? ” then she replied “ mana ada, ini BOS punya ” kinda sad when the aunty cleaner herself told me “ kita nieh kuli, dorang tuh bos (stupid private company ), so kita x boleh lawan la. x bole buat apa2. sebab dorang itu Dato’ ” ya Rabbi, x mcm lemah lak jantung bile dengar aunty tuh ckp cam tuh. BODOH! kan da kene free bodoh. just because ko ade title Dato’, that doesnt mean u have the right to dominate other people. pls la. have some respect ley x? yes. that aunty cleaner might not as same “level” as u are, but she is still a human being. BODOH! x de otak ke? ingat keje die x penat ke? angkut sampah dr tingkat 4 hostel bawak turun. then suro buat laundry lg. bodoh la. OMG! geramnyer. ko kan DATO’! ape salahnyer hantar baju ko tu pegi dobi. berlambak la dobi kat melake nieh. aku student pown pegi dobi,. ko lg la, Dato’ kan?
sigh. u can judge if u want to judge. its ur right to do so. i rest my case.
marilah test patience saye. tgk ley tahan ke tidak? 
p/s – sorry for the rude and harsh words. im angry. im mad. and x puase. (kih kih kih, ley la buat keje jahat eyh)
okay2. just kidding. again. big, huge sincerely sorry from me. Salam Ramadhan. =)
While writing this, I was listening to "This Is Usually The Part Where People Scream" by Alesana